I will explain about the benefits of using FAQ schema, how it is going to improve your SEO, and how to add it in WordPress page. Along with that, one must consider how and from where to choose the suitable questions for the same.
Let’s Begin:
As we all know, after publishing any of our articles, it is an important task to reach as many people as possible. For this search engine optimization is a very important technique and becoming more advanced day by day due to which we need to be updated with its latest trends.
So today we will talk about this and learn how we can improve our SREP ranking using FAQ schema.
Table Contents:
What the FAQ schema means?
Major Benefits of using FAQ’s:
For which pages it gives better Results:
Guidelines of Google for FAQPage:
Way to add FAQ schema to a Website:
Adding FAQ schema in WordPress:
Let’s add FAQ Schema to WordPress without Plugin:
How to validate FAQ schema Page:
Submitting web page to Google search console:
Some tips to improve your click-through rate using FAQ’s:
Which type of questions are suitable and how to get them:
Number of FAQ’s to be added:
The conclusion
What the FAQ Schema means?
It is a technique that you use to answer most of the questions asked by people in your content and the same questions are shown by Google when someone searches related to your content, by which it will be able to bring more traffic on your site.
As explained by Google:
“A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic. Properly marked up FAQ pages may be eligible to have a rich result on Search and Markup Action for the Google Assistant, which can help your site reach the right users.”

Major Benefits of using FAQ’s:
As Google ranks its relevant content above for search queries, it becomes crucial for us to know how to make your content material.
One way to do this is to use the Frequent Asked Questions Scheme, because as Google announced that it would also support the data of Frequent asked Questions to decide content ranking.
Apart from this, its other big advantage is that when one searches, the search result opens up with several tabs of FAQ’S, which increases the chances of your content being accessed by more people.
Simply saying, as more people will reach on your web pages in search engine result pages, the more traffic you will be able to get.
Results may be different in different cases.
For which pages it gives better Results:
Well, the FAQ schema offers good results for all the pages, but if your content pages are some third to fourth in the first search page, then the FAQ schema can provide good results for them.
The reason behind this is:
Because your page is already on good ranking but not at the top. So now to bring them up, we have to improve the click-through rate, so when you use the FAQ schema, as the users match the keywords of the searched data, then your content will be shown first, due to which the content of your page will be searched. You will get more clicks, and more traffic will be on your page, which will improve your content ranking.

Guidelines of Google for FAQ Page:
Some guidelines are announced by Google to certify your work page. It is possible that your website already follows Google’s guidelines, but it is mandatory to read Google’s guidelines once for the FAQ schema. These guidelines are something like this
Use the faq page only and only if your page is a collection of some questions and their answers. And if there is only one question in that page and users can submit an alternative solution, then you should use QA page.

“Valid use cases:
An FAQ page written by the site itself, with no way for users to submit alternative answers
A product support page that lists FAQs, with no form for users to provide alternative answers
Invalid use cases:
A forum page where users can provide answers to a single question
A product support page where users can provide answers to a single question
A product page where users can submit multiple questions and answers on a single page
Don’t use FAQ Page for advertising purposes.
Make sure each question includes the entire text of the question and make sure each answer consists of the entire text of the answer. Question as the whole text and answer text may be displayed.
Question and answer content may not be displayed as a rich result if it contains any of the following types of content: obscene, profane, sexually explicit, graphically violent, promotion of dangerous or illegal activities, or hateful or harassing language.
All FAQ content must be visible to the user on the source page.
If you have FAQ content that is repetitive on your site (meaning, the same question and answer appear on multiple pages on your site), mark up only one instance of that FAQ for your entire site.”
Way to add FAQ schema to a Website:

Here we will generate FAQ structure data using in-page markup called JSON-LD, which is recommended by google too. This code will be further added to the page of our website for which we are writing FAQ’s.
Follow the steps given below to add FAQ schema:
Go to FAQ Page JSON_LD Schema generator page, which is a free tool.
Then add the question along with its answer in it.
By using add another FAQ, add another pair of question and answers. Similarly add few more relevant FAQ’s using the same steps.
JSON_LD FAQ schema code will be generated and copy this code by clicking on copy FAQ schema.
Paste the code at the end of your web page in the footer.

Then save changes and FAQ’s will be added.
Finally, you may check whether the FAQ’s has been appropriately added by using the Google productive results test tool, then request indexing at Google search console which will be explained briefly later on.
Adding FAQ schema in WordPress:
You can easily add the FAQ schema to WordPress, and you can use a classic editor or blog editor, and it will work well in it.
Follow the steps given below
- Go to the WordPress dashboard, followed by plugins, and then add new.
- Then install and activate this plugin
- After this, FAQ’s block will come in your WordPress blog button and the enabled button for it in the classic editor.
- Then go to your page and scroll down to the very bottom of the content
- Add frequently ask questions and bring your cursor under the heading.
- Click on the button given in the plugin for the classic editor or click on the add block button for the block editor.
- Write 4-5 questions and their answers there and then click on the OK button.
Finally, update or publish, and your change is saved
After this, validate your page through Google Rich Result Test Tool and submit it to Google Search Console for indexing if needed.
Using plugin’s:
The best option, in this case, is the use of:

In terms of WordPress, the YOAST SEO plugin is the best option to add FAQ Pages to your WordPress post because it is one of the easiest ways and along with it, it is the best to make the FAQ Pages easy to reach the user. You will find this in the block editor of WordPress from which you can add this plugin.
Follow the steps below in a way that will allow you to add your FAQ page schema to WordPress easily.
Open a new post by clicking add a new post in your WordPress dashboard.
Go to the end of the content and add a new heading of Frequently asked questions.

Keeping cursor below this heading click on add block button and search faq in block search.
Here you will see FAQ behind Yoast structured data blocks.
Click FAQ block to add it and write your FAQ and then click add question to add more FAQ’s.
By Adding some more FAQ,s relevant to your post click publish/update to save it.
Again you may use productive result test tool to check the post, submit it in Google search console.
Add FAQ Schema to WordPress without Plugin:
By following the steps given below, you can add FAQ Schema to WordPress without using a plugin.
First of all, generate the same schema code that was done earlier in the website steps.

After that print the code at the bottom of your content page where you want to add your FAQ schema.
After this, click on the given publish option and save it.
You can check your web page using the productive result test tool.
After this, submit the web page, and you are done.
Pasting generated code
In a classic editor, you can print the system using a text editor.
And in the same block editor, you paste it using the custom HTML block.
Thus, this is how you can add the FAQ schema in WordPress without using any Plugin.
How to validate FAQ schema Page:

Its purpose is only whether your FAQ schema is properly added or not. As I said earlier, for which you have to use Google Rich Result Test Tool
Go to Google Rich Result Tool
Add the URL of your webpage over there
After this, click on the test URL and if your FAQ schema is added correctly, the tool will show “the page is eligible for rich results.”
Submit the web page in Google search console:
After adding your FAQ structured data to the web page, we have to tell Google that we have made changes to it and follow the steps given below to do the same.

Go to Google Search Console of website
After clicking on URL inspection, type the URL of your webpage, then enter
Click on request indexing, and after completion of the process a message will be displayed which will contain indexing request
And it will take about half an hour.
Some tips to improve your click-through rate using FAQ’s:
For example, by reading the information given by you, the user will decide whether he is interested in learning your content or not. So, for this reason, it becomes very important that your content fulfills the user’s need. So you have to pay a lot of attention while writing FAQ’s.
For this follow the instructions given below
- Add only those questions that are well answered in your content, i.e. those questions which are relevant with your content and the users are interested in taking their information.
- The information you will give in the first few sessions should be very accurate so that your content can be reached.
- Also keep your answer very simple.
- Try to answer any question in short and be very accurate, do not try to put more information in it, this will make the user difficult to read.
- Along with this, write something that the eagerness of the user is increased and he wishes to go further about it.
“Consider FAQ Page Structured Data as an opportunity that allow you to convince the user to click your link, by sharing the extra information (in the form of FAQs) about your page in context with the query of the user.”
Which types of questions are suitable and how to get them
Gathering better questions is a very necessary thing to get your content reached to the user. I am giving you some tips to do this.
First of all, search the internet related to your content and see what questions related to your content are present on Google. Open a few sites to see what questions users are asking in relation to that content and on which questions they are visiting the most.
Also, when you search the internet related to your content, you will see many tabs opened for related questions and oversee them to see what kind of questions are being asked there.
After doing this, select some of those questions which are related with your content. Then write their answers in a better way accordingly.
While doing this, keep in mind that the answer to the question you know best should first appear on the page so that after reading them, the user can also access the information given in your next questions. By doing this, you will be able to hold the user on your content for maximum time.
Number of FAQ’s to be added:
If your content is not very long, then 5-6 questions will be enough.
And if your content is a bit long, then according to the information given in it, you can also put up to 10 questions. Google did not write anything about how many questions you can put, but in this I am giving you some suggestions to get better results.
The Final Thought!
Thus as SEO being a great technique to make your content accessible to more people, it becomes essential to remain updated with the guidelines published by google related to same.
FAQ’s is also one of them which is user friendly by providing relevant answers to their questions and at the same time improving the accessibility of your content to them.
By using the guidelines mentioned above, you will be surely able to use this excellent technique named Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
I hope my guidelines are beneficial for you and respond to me whether you want me to write on something else and mention it. You are most Welcomed.
Follow This Way – Install the plugin from within WordPress Panel from Website, over to Plugins > Add New and Type on search bar “FAQ Schema”. Once the plugin is installed and activated, head to Schema > Settings to start enhancing your site with markup.
Question and Answer schema is used when people are contributing different types of answers and can vote for which answer they think is the best. This will provide the rich result cards under your SERP and shows all the answers, with the top answer highlighted.
F-A-Q is a list of answers to common questions about a specific any product or services. The company may clarify the step in their FAQ so that users can find the answer without needing to email the company