Are You Using Social Media Just For Entertainment? Then, Know How To Connect With Your Potential Customers Using Social Media

Social Media Ideas and Amazing Tips

Social media is a virtual extension of the brand and the perfect place to appreciate that brand personality. It is one of the best places to grow our community of brand enthusiasts. While some might not see social media as a unique platform for building relationships with clients, if done correctly, you can make meaningful connections with your target audience, providing a wonderful experience for your audience on social media. You can enhance customer satisfaction and also build brand loyalty. If you want to learn more about social media, you should connect with a digital marketing consultant in Gurgaon who can help you make the most of social media platforms.

Asks for audience opinions

Social media has become an excellent way to reach out to target customers. Gathering information about the preferences and opinions of the audience has always been challenging, and you can learn how to take ideas from your target audience by hiring digital marketing services in Gurgaon. It is one of the best tips, as social media users love to share their opinions online, and your fans will often be more than willing to share their thoughts about the products. You have to give them something to share their opinion about. One of the best ways to do that is by creating a poll or posting a question with your content.

Implement that given feedback

It is essential to listen to your clients to find out how you can improve the business. While collecting feedback is necessary for our successful business, it is only worthwhile if you use that feedback meaningfully. You can instead create a spreadsheet with all the customer feedback you receive and then have a separate complaints and suggestions feed. You should professionally manage the complaints and integrate the recommendations in a helpful way. This should be done regularly because when your customers can see that you are listening to them, they will have come with a good amount of feedback later on. It is essential for SEO also, and social media is no different.

Show your customers some appreciation

One of the essential tips you can consider as a digital marketing consultant in Gurgaon is letting your customers know they are appreciated and helping keep them happy. As a result, you can also get an edge over your competitors. Showing gratitude to your social media target audience must be a regular marketing strategy activity. This tip helps you connect with your target audience on a personal level and helps you resonate with your customers.

Solve all the issues promptly

One of the best ideas to keep your customers happy is to solve any issues with your company. Whether it is just a query or a complaint, you need to solve everything promptly. Experts offering SEO services suggest you constantly monitor social media to answer all objections and questions. Having somebody dedicated to doing this can significantly benefit your business, and you should also have a plan in place for dealing with complaints when you turn an unhappy client into a loyal client. Monitoring social media constantly can also prevent social media crises from spiraling out of control and allows you to respond instantly to anything that comes up.  A problem on social media can make or break your brand, so you need to deal with things now. 

Start using videos

You need to use more exciting methods like video to share the product or service with your target audience online. Just telling your clients about your business can be monotonous. It would be best if you used the rise in popularity of video content to capture details about the product and your brand. Users are more engaged with video on social media as competitor text, meaning they are more likely to pay attention and remember the content. Gain the target audience’s interest and then keep it by constantly creating informative and entertaining videos.

Using social media to share information about products or services, what is happening with your business, or other things related to the company is essential. Still, ensuring that your social media presence is not just about the business is critical. Besides business-related content, ensure that you share content your audience would be interested in. You can hire digital marketing services in Gurgaon that will help you with all types of content. Sachin Gupta is your go-to option for learning about social media and SEO tips, get in touch with him and grow 10x times.

How Social Media Verification Builds Trust?

How Social Media Verification Builds Trust?

You might wonder why or how those blue ticks can appear against specific names and brands on social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram? You can see the blue ticks on several profiles including, Nike, Gymshark, Lululemon, Missguided, New Look, and Asos and m Kardashian and David Beckham. 

Several companies in the fashion industry know that having these ticks are vital for verification purpose as they are known as a badge of honor, which confirms and assures all your visitors that they are looking at a real deal instead of some copycat fraudster. If you don’t have a bluetick on your social media platform, you must know that they are ideal for building perfect trust, which helps protect the brand’s equity. 

Boost your brand above all

Boost your brand above all

The best part about the blue tick is that it has plenty of perks, and a special one comes with kudos or exclusivity, which comes with certain elevation levels. It means your brand or business will be put above all the brands in the same niche or industry or product placement. Some social media platforms are most likely to offer unique features or services if you are verified, including editing rights. 

Customer reviews tend to have any other form of social network for building excellent brand awareness and trust. It is one of the best channels for forming different opinions about any brand. But you can learn better.

Is it vital to seek social media verification?

Is it vital to seek social media verification?

If you haven’t verified the account now, when should you ask for more verification? Well, there is no perfect answer to this. The verifying opportunities might be worthwhile on the social media networks considering the verification mark on several pages and brands, including politicians, celebs, journos, and other influencers. Be it Facebook or Instagram, social media tools play a crucial role in improving brand awareness. The verification mark ensures that more people will trust your business. 

VIP verification

VIP verification

The type of network you are targeting for verification is mostly a horse for course consideration. It all depends on what kind of company and demographics you want to attract. With some internet research, you can cut the cloth accordingly and target only the audience that matters the most and the ones that fit your business perfectly. Undoubtedly, elite players are prominent in the market and dominate the rankings globally.

Still, it all depends on the audience sizes, and it cannot be ignored with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. you need to know that Facebook has around 1.9 billion users monthly. Here you can learn more about growing your blue ticks on Facebook.

You can consider Instagram as a platform to share your videos. Fashion retailers mainly use it, and it has become one of the most extensive social networks globally as it boasts around 700 million users. However, like its parent organization Facebook it is pretty challenging to get verified on Instagram. On Instagram, only well-known celebrities and brands besides public figures can get the verification tag. If that is the case, then the experts will call you. It means if the team includes human educators instead of bots will connect with you if they deem you or your brand worthy of any verification. 

Instagram recommends you to have any other forms of social media verification or evidence of your identity to help you get a cause, like liking other accounts. But there is no fast tracker or shoe to get the verification badge. You can at least verge some of the account credibility and trust by linking Facebook and Twitter to your Instagram account. All you need to do is have some decent following on Google + and Twitter besides a growing fan following on Facebook. 

Tips to jump to the que

Tips to jump to the que

Some people argue that the shortcut to winning over Instagram verification is quite impersonated. Others say you don’t need to follow significant terms on your following; instead, you need to focus on your network. First, you need to know that Twitter has now opened its verification for all the users, irrespective of their profile status. It means it doesn’t matter if you are a profile mover or shaker. 

Furthermore, you don’t need to wait indefinitely to find out if the team will connect with you to tell you that you are qualified to use their online application form, and now it is available to all Twitter users. It comes with a term that you must provide all your details like a verified email address, website, and phone number, and content to make your Tweets public, and you can apply it in no time. But it is on the Twitter team to decide if the user deserves their most talked blue tick. 

Another thing you need to consider is Google + page verification which confirms that Google tends to recognize there is some connection between your Google + page and website. This will assure visitors that they are in the right place while looking for your business. Like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter will connect with your page while aligning with the eligibility criteria. With the things said, companies also tend to request direct verification, and connecting with them is one of the easiest ways to do this. 

You need several followers to increase your chances of the account is verified. It is undoubtedly logical consideration to attract the attention of those who wish to make decisions based on the verification. No doubt, gaining and retaining several followers need a lot of time, effort, and commitment and is a science all by itself. Several digital marketing agencies can help you with advice to get more followers on the page. 

Customer reviews have been quite successful in enhancing the conversation rates as people are most likely to trust them often and love to write to them. There is no shortage of internet material and how to keep the conversations going. These reviews are critical in SEO, and even minimum ones are beneficial. Review service providers can help you boost and generate the ideal number of reviews. You can seek some feedback all by yourself by sending emails to your patrons and having a comment section on the website product pages. 

Social media verification gives your company the deserved authencity in no time. If a platform tends to be authentic other users will view the page similarly. It also leads to the accumulation of social proof. It is an idea that if others approve or take part in something. 

To be verified, a business or brand needs to go through a process to prove that it is qualified to get the verification mark. For example, some social media verification processes need the company or person to offer things, including press or media references. 

Lastly, it would be best to wait for social media to connect with your verification. If it is feasible for you, you need to contact them directly and request the team verify you. You need to ensure that you are active on all the social media platforms and have gained several followers. There is no substitute for getting the respective appeal, and you shouldn’t forget that as no matter how many tools and techniques you use to gain consumer trust in the company.
Consider the fact that you want to make the most of your potential of the people’s power, build your website’s credibility, and encourage people to leave the best possible reviews. The icing on the cake is to offer fantastic customer service and experience from sales to final delivery. When you are verified, there is some level of confidence that comes along, mainly for brands and people. Once verified, you will feel more confident in the content you post and your page’s interactions. getting social media verified is quite important  

The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media

The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media

The coveted blue tick or verified symbol tends to play a crucial role in your brand’s social media marketing strategy. Your social media account serves immediate credibility when it is verified. Verification mainly serves as proof that your account is certified and real. The certified account for your brand removes all queries about potential fake social media accounts. Lastly, it also helps your company emerge as a credible and trusted account, leading to other privileges.

Furthermore, you need to know that the verification process varies from one platform to another. Even though prominent platforms including TikTok and Reddit fail to have any verification process, unlike other social media accounts. Still, Reddit doesn’t verify the account’s owner as it would surely contradict the site’s premise of any anonymity. However, some individuals might offer some data to indicate what they claim to be. 


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Facebook

A blue checkmark is placed near your account name, indicated by a blue checkmark. When your target audience sees the mark, it shows that you are an authentic entity. It separates your account from a spam account that resembles yours. You can follow these steps to get verified on Facebook:

  • You need to complete a verification request, select the verification type you are looking for, and then choose the account.
  • It would be best if you chose the account category depending on the industry you tend to fall under.
  • Furthermore, you need to upload some identification documents confirming who you tend to be. Suppose your account is likely to belong to any person or government-issued ID reflecting your name and birth date. If your account tends to represent your company, then your ID must show that you own the company.
  • Lastly, you need to give a reason to get verification and specify how verification is likely to benefit your company, and for more proof, you can give some supply links to your other social media handles. 


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Twitter

Twitter mainly verifies the account as per public interest per Twitter. Such accounts mainly include accounts maintained by target audience like fashion, acting, religion, politics, sports, business etc. You will not be able to complete the verification process if your account doesn’t align with the given definition.


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Linkedin

The platform allows the target audience to get a blue checkmark for LinkedIn lookup product, and the checkmark mainly verifies that you might work for a company that has listed in profile. You can get request verification within the LinkedIn app to get the checkmark. They will send you a four-digit code to your registered email address. You will be verified you enter the code in LinkedIn lookup.


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Instagram

One of the most discerning platforms is Instagram when it comes to verification. The platform is quite cautious with the process as it wants the target audience to find and follow accurate accounts. Some steps to request verification:

You need to head to your profile and select the hamburger icon, which is available in your account’s top right corner. You need to select settings and account and tap on request verification, and you can get going with the verification process. 

You need to fill this form with your legal name and category. You need to also upload a relevant government-issued id if you are an individual, and on the flip side, if you are a company, you need to include utility bills, tax filings or incorporation articles. Once the process is complete and then press send. The profile will review your application, and you can get some insight on the status within a week in your notifications tab. 


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Pinterest

Your website can be listed on the profile, which will allow the target audience to learn more about your business and have a red checkmark next to the account name. You will need a Pinterest business account with a perfect website to start with. Once your account is created, some steps to complete the verification process. You need to select the dropdown arrow located on your screen in the top right corner and enter your website URL from the left-hand side menu. You need to click claim, and you can get to choose between two ways to claim the site. After selecting one’s claim option, click next and lastly choose to submit.


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Youtube

It would be best if you met the eligibility to obtain YouTube channel verification. You must have 10000 subscribers, and the channel must represent a real creator and the social media checks various factors to help verify your identity. You need to reach out to YouTube to complete verification if you align with the criteria. 


The Brand’s Guide to Getting Verified on Social Media - Snapchat

 A verified account is ideally for a celebrity for Snapchat, and the platform says that to get a verified account, you must have at least 50000+ unique views on the story. 

Hence, getting verified on social media is challenging but following a proper procedure is the need of the hour. 

How To Choose the Right Social Media Platform?

choose right social media platform

Why is it Important to Choose the right Social Media Platform?

social media platform

As a business owner, everyone thinks to keep their business on top and for that, they don’t want to leave any stones left unturned. They take very well and calculative steps on how they can promote their brand and enhance their business growth, they constantly think of how they can promote their brand and where (platform) they can promote it. You must be able to define the correct platform to multiply your business growth.

Is there a right or wrong method in selecting the Social Media Platform?

When it comes to marketing there is no right or wrong way to do it. You must understand that what can work for you doesn’t mean it will work for everyone and vice-versa, hence every marketing strategy is right you just need to keep in mind which one aligns with yours business.

How can you select the Social Media Platform?

Now, you must be thinking about how one can do it? How can you choose the right platform for your business and multiply your business growth? Don’t worry we have worked out this math for you and have made choosing the right platform as easy as it can be.

  1. Audience: For each and every marketing strategy it is a very vital and non-negotiable step and ignoring this can cause your business serious harm. By knowing your audience you can easily understand what your customers want and how can you provide it!
  1. Set goals: Once you are done knowing about the audience now you need to set clear and attainable goals for your business, it can be as simple as driving more sales,  increasing brand presence or simply for reaching out to your customers need
  1. Reach your audience: After you have set the goal for your business you must choose the way to attain them, it simply means you just simply need to find the platform which has your target audience and can even help you reach your goal 
  1. Competitor analysis: Do a deep dive search method to know about how your competitors are working and which of their tricks are working for their best (use of their social media account)and can you learn from them 
  1. Create your account when needed: This step simply mans that just because every business is creating account on all the given doesn’t means you should also do the same. Always remember just because can doesn’t mean you have to do what others are doing
  1. Align all your platforms: Let’s suppose you have chosen two platforms which aligns with all the points we have learned till now then it doesn’t mean that you will post different kind of content on the two. Remember that if you want to create a brand image then you have to maintain a consistent uniformity 

Popular Social Media Platform and its Audience

Here we have listed the entire major and most used social media platform and the audience age group they cater too 

  1. Facebook: One of the most social media platforms, have around 2.45b monthly users with daily usage among the age of 18-54 
  1. Instagram: It is owned by Facebook and has over 1b users and is highly popular among the age group of 18-30 and is an excellent place to show off about your business 
  1. LinkedIn: Best professional social media platform and has over 690m member and it is used by almost all professionals 
  1. Twitter: Twitter generally act as the news hub among all these social media platforms and it has a crowd of over 330m active users. Running ads on this platform is a little costlier than in comparison of Facebook and Instagram but it also have a high conversion rate 
  1. Pinterest: 360m active users among which 71% of the users are female and around 25% of the B2B companies use it to showcase their services.
  1. YouTube: It has around 2 billion active users and has now turned into the second most popular search engine and is used promptly among the age group of 18-49

Key points of Social Media Platform

  1. Instagram would appeal more to entrepreneurs and those who can invest in creating visually appealing collateral.
  2. Pinterest has a larger female audience, hence it appeals to businesses and industries like tourism, food, and fashion.
  3. LinkedIn is the niche social media platform for businesses, corporations, and professionals hence making it ideal for B2B businesses.
  4. YouTube helps you to make everyone understand your products better.  

There is one thing for sure which you need to keep in mind that is you can’t invest equal time, effort and money on all the platforms, hence you need to specifically choose which platform is more important to you and have a high ROI and keep the ball rolling on the others, to achieve the best results 

How Social Media Can Help in Online Reputation Management

Gone are the days when businessmen put thousands of efforts to promote their brand and have a presence in the market. However, in the present world all you need to find the right business for yourself and there is n number of marketing strategies and tools to promote the brand. Other than strategies and tools, social media platforms are one of the best sources to boost the brand and its reputation in this tech-savvy business world. Business leaders can create their business accounts on all social media platforms and can have a strong presence over the web. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, the official accounts will easily help the brand to reach the potential clients. The higher the reach will be, the higher the awareness about products and services will be there in the market.

Once the brand has gained potential traffic and presence over the web, it is really important to have a trust factor. Trust is one of the major factors that would help potential customers to stay with the brand for years and when brands have loyal customers and recommendations, it is a great success for the company. In this highly competitive world, it becomes tough for businesses to build the trust factor, but with online reputation, management entrepreneurs can build a great reputation among the competitors. By having an online reputation, the business will get a great jump in its revenue.

Since online reputation management (ORM) is really important in the present world, you must understand it and get to know how you can make the best use of it to maximize the online reputation. Well, here are some of the important points that can brilliantly improve the online reputation for your brand.

Bring Name and Fame: The online reputation program helps the brand to earn a great name and fame. It even boosts brand awareness among targeted customers. Once the targeted customers convert into a lead, it eventually improves the sale. And later word-of-mouth marketing brings great name and fame in the existing competition. Other than name and fame, higher traffic on the website will also improve the online rating and it certainly helps the brand to extensively grow in the market and have a huge profit.

Customer Reviews: Apart from having loyal customers and higher traffic over the website, it is really important to have positive customer reviews. These days, the new customers go through the reviews in the comment section and get an idea about the product and services. The better the customer reviews, the bright the future will be. And With the help of ORM, you can have better customer’s responses. So, plan to get the ORM service and improve your brand’s reviews.

Enhance Customer Relationship: It is really important to be active on all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. The prompt replies and better solutions will help your existing customers to resolve their problems or queries related to product and services. It will not only provide them mental satisfaction but somehow it will leave a lasting impression that the brand is trustworthy and always takes the accountability of their product and services. And when your relationship with your customers is quite good and friendly, they certainly visit the website again and again. It is eventually a great success of availing ORM services.

Expert’s Advice: It is always good when an expert person recommends the product and service. It leaves a great impression on potential customers. Thus, you must have experts advise to make buyers understand how beneficial or important your product is and how it will bring change in their lives. This simple factor will again contribute to making your brand talk of the town. So, hire an expert now to build confidence among your customers.

Strong Presence Over Web: In the present time, Search Engine Ranking plays an important role, thus it is important to have a perfect SEO as it will help the ORM professionals to maintain a strong presence over the web. No doubt, that all the above-mentioned factors will contribute in help your brand to have a strong presence over the web and this truly make you feel top of the world. The small efforts make a big difference in today’s competitive world. So, just have a quality SEO work as it will help the ORM campaigns to bring a more positive result for you.

Social Media Goals: Other than having a great SEO, you also need to understand what are your social media goals? Whether it is to promote the brand, increase potential customers or followers, or to increase sales, whatever your goal is. You need to strategies the campaigns according to your goal and make sure to get the results accordingly. Gradually the positive results and successful connections with followers will also make your ways clear. Secondly, the ORM professionals will make the best use of the positive response of the followers.

Drive Sales: When every factor right from perfect SEO to the best customer relationship will be good, then it eventually helps the ORM professionals to bring you the best result in terms of driving sales. Now, to have a perfect online reputation management service, you need to have a well-performing website with quality content, SEO, positive reviews, great customer relationships, and lots more. So, leave all worries just be focused to obtain the final result.

All these above-mentioned factors will help social media platforms to become stronger than ever. And later, ORM professionals can make the best use of these factors to enhance the reputation online and make your business talk of the industry. So, hire the best ORM professionals to take your business ahead and bring you the best result you ever thought of. It is always good to be the part of latest business strategies so don’t think so much, look for ORM and try this for your product and services. Its optimum result will surely bring you brand awareness, a great reputation, higher sales, followers, and best ratings. What else you can expect from a simple strategy. Go and grab it for better business opportunities and unbeatable success.